Talon has begun to make the each of the 19 characters skills and develop their leveling paths. Around a total of 1,425 skills have been made. (Even though Talon's made 18 characters Mikheli made Mikheli!) We hope you look forward to the new class system Valcarta II will have to offer! (Gonna keep it under secret for now stay tuned for more!)
Mikheli has been working on character profiles giving each character a distinct personality and feel. Maria, Dark path Valak, Mikheli, and Seraphim all have been updated for the ending of V1 (Valcarta I: Rise of the Demon). Hope you are excited for the changes they may or may not have undergone! Mikheli will be working on the rest of these profiles today and finishing them up tomorrow! (Maybe she'll be inclined to share a bit about one of the new characters that we'll meet in Valcarta II.)
A sample of the sprite: Guess which character this is!
It's Mikheli! |
We have begun to make the new world map, making basic ideas of the provinces. Valcarta II will feature 2 new provinces and the updated province of Drachell that was featured in Valcarta I. The map you see below won't be used in game at all.
One of the two newest provinces: Illymader |
We have Kuma (poster artist from Valcarta I) making us a rendered map! We have more secrets and news about the world map that'll be released later on so stay tuned!
We have had a lot of progress this week!
We are also speculating starting a kick starter next month to help with things! With this kick starter we are hoping to find a Ruby Scripter (with RGSS3 experience preferably) and a Artist (spriter experience is a plus!) We hope to be able to hire some for these roles to make Valcarta II the best we can for our fans, but as of right now we have no money, nor much to offer... except portfolio experience and the hope of breaking into the gaming industry. But if our kick starter goes well we might be able to offer some sort of payment for the work.
If you are interested in working with us please hit us up with a email: taylorcoxdesigns@gmail.com.
If you haven't gotten your copy yet head to: Blacksword Games and prepare your self for a adventure like no other!
One of the cool things that happened this week was we got featured on Buy Some Indie Games: Check it out here!
As we bring today's dev blog to a close, I (Mikheli), would like to say Happy Birthday to Talon (Taylor Cox - Lead Developer, Producer, Designer of Valcarta, and CEO of Blacksword Games). We have deemed today a Blacksword Games wide holiday and as such I apparently have a free day (but we all know we'll be working anyways!)
Until Next Time,
Amanda Smith (Mikheli)
Official Lorecat @ Blacksword Games
I'm sure a lot of people are waiting for the game to present itself on steam. Once that happens you'll be banking.